Some facts for you: (also )It is true, the other guy, Faceless, raided Delirious base first. But here are the circumstances:.Faceless did it while Delirious was online, and this is very important because the rules of the server explicitly say that raiding people while they are offline is not allowed.Faceless only broke down a wall and took some items that were vulnerable.
There is a separate 'Faceless Knight Horse' you can find on Amazon for it to sit on, and the way this figure is sculpted, it can be placed on the horse or stood on its own readily. Overall, it's a good addition to a set of roleplaying game figures if you are looking for a different kind of giant. View the daily YouTube analytics of faceless GAMING and track progress charts, view future predictions, related channels, and track realtime live sub counts. View the daily YouTube analytics of faceless GAMING and track progress charts, view future predictions, related.
Although a bother, it was a loss that could be recovered with just a few hours of grind.Faceless did it once.Then Delirious became unreasonably salty over this and went to their base while they were Offline, which is against the server rules as mentioned before, and destroyed it using a god summon, which is a completely bitch way to raid someone in the Conan community.Now, he DESTROYED their base. He didn't take items like Faceless did.
He deliberately and maliciously ruined DAYS of work of another content creator.And he did it several times.Apparently, Delirious had some fights on twitter with this guy before, so this was probably why he went off the rails over something so stupid as having a few items stolen.Either way, in my opinion, what Delirious did can't be defended and was pretty mean and assholish. They were basically the only ones active in that server.
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That is why they were making their series in that server, since it was purely a base-building series and they weren't interested in PVP.Further, there are websites which servers a user goes, how long they were there and when they logged in and out. People looked it up and they saw that delirious went into that server for the first time in a while, stayed in the server JUST enough to destroy the base and left.Faceless even showed in his video the numbers, the dates, the website and everything.Are you saying that Delirious just happened to go into that server that he hasn't been to in a while and randomly find Faceless's base even tho there were SEVERAL other bases much closer to spawn? All that just after he had a beef with faceless? Hell of a coincidence.But still, for the sake of argument, lets just pretend that Delirious logged into this random server, walked past several bases and randomly decided to destroy faceless's base.It is against the server rules to raid people's bases when they are offline, regardless of who it is. Delirious was perfectly aware of that and did it anyway.It is also against the rules to grief (I.e, destroy parts of the base that aren't necessary to raid, destroy cosmetics and such), which Delirious did too.So yeah, even if we pretend that those consecutive coincidences were just coincidences, it still doesn't change the fact that delirious maliciously broke the rules of the server.