This page here will share minor tidbits, tricks, cheats and hints about Darius Twin. As with many of the other guides on my website these are designed to be very google friendly. If you're stuck, and googling to get done a certain part of the game, that's hopefully how you found this guide! Darius Twin Game Genie Codes (USA).
GAME GENIE CODES FOR SUPER NES(tm)(c) 1992, 1993, 1994 Lewis Galoob Toys, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Excerpts from Game Genie(tm) Code Updates made available for the privateuse of Game Genie owners. NO COMMERCIAL USE WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION. Thisfile may be freely distributed FOR PRIVATE, NON-COMMERCIAL USE as longas it is not altered and all text remains intact.Game Genie is a product of Lewis Galoob Toys, Inc., and is not manufactured,distributed or endorsed by Nintendo of America Inc. Super NES is a trademarkof Nintendo of America Inc. Game titles are trademarks of their respectiveowners.Game Genie is a trademark of Lewis Galoob Toys, Inc.U.S. 5,112,051.CONTENTS OF THIS FILE:SUPER NES EDITION 3 PART 1 OF 11.
Act Raiser(tm)2. Addams Family(tm)3. Amazing Tennis(tm)4. Batman Returns(tm)7. Battle Clash(tm)8. Best of the Best(tm)9.
Bill Laimbeer's Combat Basketball(tm)10. Chester Cheetah: Too Cool to Fool(tm)14. Contra(tm) III-The Alien Wars(tm)16. Darius Twin(tm)19. Desert Strike(tm)20.
Dragon's Lair(tm)22. Earth Defense Force(tm)24.
Extra Innings(tm)25. F1 ROC-Race of Champions(tm)26.
Faceball 2000(tm)28. Fatal Fury(tm)29. Final Fantasy II(tm)30. Final Fantasy Mystic Quest(tm)31. Final Fight(tm)32. Firepower 2000(tm)33. George Foreman's KO Boxing(tm)34.
Gradius III(tm)36. Hal's Hole In One Golf(tm)37.
Harley's Humungous Adventure(tm)38. Home Alone(tm)39. Home Alone 2: Lost in New York(tm)40.
The Hunt for Red October(tm)42. Jack Nicklaus Golf(tm)45. James Bond Jr.(tm)46. Joe & Mac(tm)47. John Madden Football(tm)48.
John Madden Football '93(tm)49. King Arthur's World(tm)51. King of the Monsters(tm)52. Krusty's Super Fun House(tm)53. Legend of the Mystical Ninja(tm)55. Legend of Zelda(tm) A Link to the Past(tm)56. Lethal Weapon(tm)58.
The Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse(tm)59. Magic Sword(tm)60. Mario is Missing!(tm)61. NBA(tm) All-Star Challenge(tm)64.
NCAA Basketball(tm)65. NHLPA Hockey '93(tm)66.
Nolan Ryan's Baseball(tm)67. On The Ball(tm)68. Paperboy(tm) 270.
Pebble Beach Golf Links(tm)71. PGA Tour Golf(tm)72. Prince of Persia(tm)77.
This game is GREAT fun with friends as everyone gets their own messages on their device and can each pick how to reply (share your knowledge with the group or keep it to yourself?). For 1-4 players and all you need to do is download the relatively small app for Apple or Android devices, phone or tablet. Eon altar ps4. I really hope more people pick this game up for such a low price. This is a rpg/turn-based game that ANYONE can enjoy.
Pugsley's Scavenger Hunt(tm)78. Q.bert 3(tm)80. Race Drivin'(tm)81. Radical Psycho Machine Racing(tm)82. Raiden Trad(tm)83.
Rival Turf!(tm)85. Road Riot 4WD(tm)86. Road Runner's Death Valley Rally(tm)87. Robocop 3(tm)88. Roger Clemens' MVP Baseball(tm)90. Romance of the Three Kingdoms II(tm)91.
Sim City(tm)93. The Simpsons: Bart's Nightmare(tm)94.
Sonic Blast Man(tm)97. Soul Blazer(tm)98. Pace Football(tm)99.
Space Megaforce(tm)100. Spanky's Quest(tm)101. Spider-Man and the X-Men:Arcade's Revenge(tm)102. Spindizzy Worlds(tm)103.
Street Fighter II(tm)104. Strike Gunner S-T-G(tm)105. Super Adventure Island(tm)106.
Super Baseball Simulator 1.000(tm)107. Super Bases Loaded(tm)108.
Super Batter Up(tm)109. Super Battle Tank(tm)110. Super Bowling(tm)111.
Super Buster Bros.(tm)112. Super Castlevania IV(tm)113.
Super Double Dragon(tm)114. Super Ghouls 'N Ghosts(tm)115. Super Mario World(tm)116. Super Ninja Boy(tm)117. Super Off-Road(tm)118.
Super Play Action Football(tm)119. Super R-Type(tm)120.
Super Scope 6(tm)121. Super Smash TV(tm)122. Super Soccer Champ(tm)123. Super Soccer(tm)124. Super Star Wars(tm)125. Super Strike Eagle(tm)126. Super Tennis(tm)127.
Super Turrican(tm)128. Super Valis IV(tm)129. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles(tm) IV - Turtlesin Time(tm)131. Thunder Spirits(tm)133. Tiny Toon Adventures(tm) Buster Busts Loose(tm)134. TKO Super Championship Boxing(tm)135.
Top Gear(tm)136. UN Squadron(tm)139. Waialae Country Club(tm)140. Wayne's World(tm)141. Wheel of Fortune(tm)142. Wing Commander(tm)143. Wings 2-Aces High(tm)144.
World League Soccer(tm)145. WWF Super WrestleMania(tm)146.
Yoshi's Cookie(tm)148. Ys - Wanderers from Ys III(tm)Act Raiser(tm) GameAct Raiser(tm) combines interesting elements from action, role-playingand strategy games. You play a god called the Master(tm) who must breakthe Evil One's(tm) hold on the world. The bosses are tough to beat, souse ACT Code 1 for near invincibility, although some things (e.g., spikes)can still hurt you, and the code doesn't work for Angel(tm). Pros can gothe other route, using Code 2 to start with only half energy.ACTCODE KEY IN. EFFECT.1 2264-6FD4Almost invincible in action sequences2 D081-6DD8Start with 1/2 energy-1st game only3 DD8B-D4D8Stop timer4 FD86-D4A8Faster timer5 9D86-D4A8Slower timerRemember, you can pick 'n mix your codes!Act Raiser, Master, Evil One and Angel are trademarks of Enix AmericaCorporation.Addams Family(tm) GameHelp Gomez(tm) save Morticia(tm) in this kooky and kreepy action gamebased on the hit movie.
FAMILY Code 8 gives you protection against enemies.For Code 16, the fez hat is not always visible, but Gomez still has flyingabilities as if he were wearing it. When using Code 17, invisible Gomez,enemies and hazards can still harm him.
This code is provided for its 'funfactor' only. You can track Gomez by his skid marks or by the fez hat ifhe is wearing it.FAMILYCODE KEY IN. EFFECT.1 DFB8-6F04Start with 1 life instead of 52 D7B8-6F04Start with 3 lives3 DBB8-6F04Start with 9 lives4 4DB8-6F04Start with 20 lives5 9DB8-6F04Start with 50 lives6 BBB8-6F04Start with 99 lives7 DDA1-A4A7Infinite lives8 3CA7-A467Invincibility9 D9CF-DDAFEach $ worth 510 FDCF-DDAFEach $ worth 1011 49CF-DDAFEach $ worth 2512 DF61-0F0D + DF61-0F6D Startwith 1 heart instead of 213 D761-0F0D + D761-0F6D Startwith 3 hearts14 D061-0F0D + D061-0F6DStart with 4 hearts15 D961-0F0D + D961-0F6DStart with 5 heartsNOTE ON CODE 16: AFTER DEFEATING A BOSS, LAND BEFORE THE PASSWORD SCREENCOMES UP. ALSO, IF YOU FLY IN THE WRONG PLACE, YOU CAN GET TRAPPED ANDHAVE TO RESET16 3CAD-A46D + 60BA-6704Start with and keep Fezi-copter(tm)flying abilities17 3CAD-A4D4Invisible Gomez(tm)Remember, you can pick 'n mix your codes! You can enter up to FIVEcodes at a time (but some effects require more than one code).Addams Family, Gomez, Morticia and Fezi-copter are trademarks of ParamountPictures.Amazing Tennis(tm) GameThis popular game is about the closest a video game comes to the feelof real tennis. Improve your player's movement with these handy TEN codes.TENCODE KEY IN.
EFFECT.1 EA8B-AFDD + D085-A7DDFaster side-to-side movement2 EC8B-AFDD + D185-A7DDEven faster side-to-side movementAmazing Tennis is a trademark of Absolute Entertainment, Inc.Arcana(tm) GameA challenging role-playing game where the skirmishes just keep on comin'.The cardmaster element gives the game a new slant. ARC Code 4, infinitemoney for items, and Code 8, magic points don't decrease, are vital forhandling all those skirmishes.ARCCODE KEY IN. EFFECT.1 1D69-AFD0 + 3C69-AF00Start with 60,000 gold pieces2 EC69-AFD0 + DD69-AF00Start with 250 gold pieces3 C225-0F02Infinite money for weapons4 C22A-0402Infinite money for items5 C229-640EInfinite money for rooms6 C22F-A7DEInfinite money for elixir7 B387-DFF2Level and statistics for all charactersin group are increased after eachtbattle you win8 828B-AF2EMagic points don't decreaseArcana is a trademark of Hal America Inc.Axelay(tm) GameA generous selection of useful codes here, from credits to lives andlevel warps.AXECODE KEY IN.