Steam achievementsSuccessfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select 'Community', 'My profile', 'View all my games', then the game and view stats.Bragging Rights: Defeat 5 opponents in multiplayer. Cheating AI: Be defeated by an opponent on their first turn during single player quest mode. Clear The Town: Clear the town of Goblins. Completionist: Finish the single player campaign with a hero from each class. Craftsman: Upgrade an item to Epic. Crafty Consumer: Complete the 'Deep Delving Dwarf' quest.
Dark Elven Nemesis: Gain access to Gorgons Cathedral. Disarm, Or Be Disarmed: Disarm 5 traps to avoid being wounded. Epic Fail: Lose to an opponent who's on 1 Life Point during any single player game mode. Epic Win: Defeat an opponent while on 1 Life Point during any single player game mode. Equal Opportunity: Finish the single player campaign with both male and female from the one class. Feeling Groovy: Heal some trap damage by visiting Jarrum Blackstone in the Chapel.
With a Daemonic Pendant (+5 all stats), a balanced and efficient stat build is 10, 10, 21, 28, 36. The 10s cannot be your class primary stat, but otherwise you can place any number in any of the 5 abilities. Thank The Flood from the GameFAQs Puzzle Quest 2 XBox 360 forum for this build.
Gate Hacker: Choose the Bash mini-game whenever possible during the single player campaign. Grand Slam: Win 5 Tournaments. Green Dragon: Defeat the Green Dragon. Hammer Time: Forge the 'Hammer of Righteousness'. Handyman: Upgrade an item. Happily Ever After: Complete the game. Have You Killed Him Yet?: Defeat a Yeti after at least 100 turns have passed.
High Roller: Play the 'Lucky Dip' side quest. Killer Combo: Do more than 250 damage during your turn.
King Godd: Defeat King Godd. Last Hero Standing: Survive the Endurance mode.
Learn 2 Spell: Learn all the bonus spells. Left 4 Undead: Complete the 'Able Replacement' quest.
Locksmith: Pick your way through 5 locks. Wii music remix 1 hour. Match Fixer: Complete the 'Eye of the Owlbear' quest. Not Bad!: Defeat 500 monsters. Not Quite Right: Complete the 'Imp!' Quest for Crye. Omghax: Make a match of 8 gems in a row in any battle game mode.
Open Sesame: Magically force your way through 5 locks. Perfect Preparation: Advance to the Green Dragon in Endurance mode on full health. Pwnt!: Defeat an opponent on your first turn during any single player game mode. Questionable Ethics: Complete the 'Insurance Fraud' quest. R-e-s-p-e-c: Respec your hero by visiting Jarrum Blackstone in the Chapel. Resistance Is Futile: Defeat the Arch Lich. Scavenge Hunt: Search 5 rooms for hidden treasure or danger.
Shadowbringer: Defeat shadowbringer. Skull Breaker: Defeat the monster known as 'Teh SkullBrekker'. Smashing!: Bash your way through 5 locks. Stumbling Blind: Activate 5 traps during a campaign. Sweet Dreams: Complete the 'Stuff of Nightmares' quest. That Was Lucky!: Resist Subjugate or Crushing Kill.
The Dark Elves: Escape the Dark Dwarven Laboratory. Tourist: Visit every room in the game. Underdog: Win a Tournament with the first or second hero alive. We Didn't Even Test This!!!: Defeat 2000 monsters. We Don't Need No Water: Lose the burning inn challenge battle. We Love You Too: Watch the credits sequence to the end. Wow!!: Defeat 1000 monsters.
Yeti: Defeat the Yeti. You Only Live Thrice: Kill an undead monster, then kill it again and again after it reanimates.
You're Doing It Wrong: Complete the game without activating an item.
Regardless of what type of animal that you like to hunt, we probably have a game for your hunting needs. Whether it is deer hunting, boar hunting, pheasant hunting, duck hunting, bow hunting or turkey hunting or just plain target shooting, there is more than likely a hunting game here for you on Duck Hunt is a free hunting game where you shoot ducks which your dog startles. One of the classic, formative game experiences of the digital era has been brandishing the Zapper and shooting pixelated ducks as they fly across the screen. This online duck hunting game is a fan remake based on the popular Nintendo game of the same name. You get to relive the challenge of chasing after those zig. Duck hunting games.