Earth Defense Force 2017 Portable is a bona fide mess. It's a port of a six-year-old Xbox 360 game that infuriates me. It makes me spit and swear.But I love it.The science-fiction shooter has you fighting bugs wider than houses, robots taller than skyscrapers and UFOs larger than cities. Everything is destructible; buildings crumble like sand castles. Your mission: Shoot everything til nothing's moving. All of that unabashed carnage has been ported into the Vita version, along with the addition of a handful of new levels, weapons and a character that can fly over buildings and creatures.Earth Defense Force 2017 is ugly and dumb.
It's full of problems.I just don't care about any of them. Portable plays like a rough draft. It has a comically absurd number of glitches.
Ants jitter like wind-up toys. Robots contort like the evil children in Korean horror films. Destroyed buildings disappear before they've fully collapsed.Bugs (both the insects and the coding errors) are a key part of Earth Defense Force 2017 Portable.
Sep 20, 2009 Earth Defense Force 2017 Mission 1 Inferno Difficulty - Duration: 6:47. MatrixAndrAIa 15,495 views. For Earth Defense Force 2017 on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'Online coop or multiplayer?'
Counter to common sense, they regularly improve the experience. When a gargantuan spider clips through an office complex or a colossal robot ricochets down an avenue, it's hard not to laugh. Few video games revel in their own cheapness the way B-movies or pulp fiction do, but Earth Defense Force pulls it off. The bugs add to the over-the-top hilarity of what's happening in the game.Fittingly, Earth Defense Force 2017 Portable's script borrows from B-films of the last half-century, spiking dramatic moments with over-the-top music cues and aping dialogue in the vein of 'Oh no, it's an ambush!'
The writing is unquestionably poor, but I couldn't resist plugging in my earphones to hear every last, repetitious sound bite.The writing is good-bad, but the controls can be plain bad. The vehicle controls are some of the worst I've ever experienced in a third-person game. The helicopter, which floats upward with a long press of the X button and strafes with the left and right bumpers, flies like a drunk hummingbird, bouncing from one building to the next before crashing to the ground. The new jetpack character is slightly easier to control, but it doesn't compare to the pleasure of simply walking around with a high-powered weapon.Getting said weapons is a crapshoot. To unlock new weapons you need to collect green boxes during missions.
This goal creates an interesting risk-reward scenario: Do you run into the pack of enemies to get the boxes, or play it safe and maintain your distance, but never get better guns? It would be smart design if you knew the quality of weapon hidden in each green box, but they all look the same. You could be risking your life for a special grenade launcher or a weak rifle — you won't know until the mission's finished.
The Earth Defense Force 2017 - WalkthroughThe Earth Defence Force 2017Inferno WalkthroughThis file may not be published by any online property that is owned by, hasaffiliation with, is a partner to, or participated in any content sharingtransaction (written, verbal, or otherwise) with CBS Corporation. The latestversions of the document, associated media and errata will always be firstavailable at FAQS.IGN.COM.WHAT IS INFERNO?Cheap as shit. That's the difficulty level. You've likely played Hardest (thepenultimate difficulty) before trying a stage on Inferno.
Chances are, you willhave completed almost all but the hardest difficulty levels. While the gameseems straight forward (to the point of being boring) on Easy, Normal, and evenHard, the game will seriously ramp up in difficulty and kill your EDF trooperon Hardest (not to mention Inferno). Hence there are some things to keep in mind.On Inferno:: Two players are a requirementThere is absolutely NO reason to not play two players (local only) unless youdon't have a live-in friend in the world (or your brother lives down the street/ stairs from your floor). Two players means you have double the amount of lifeand weapons; even if your own trooper dies, your buddy can complete the missionbecause the two of you took out so many enemies before.On Inferno:: Computer allies are very helpfulYour computer allies (and vehicles) that you so readily squandered on easierdifficulties are now valuable assets.
You will want to read the manual abouthow to recruit your allies (individually and as squads) so you can get a largegroup of allies together. Allies are pretty idiotic (and when closed spaces,tend to run in front of your weapons, spoiling shots) but in open areas (themost dangerous stages on Inferno) they are basically extra weapons pointed atthe enemy.Allies have infinite ammunition and - in large groups - not only gives yourside a big boost of firepower, they also draw enemy fire. Like vehicles, alliesget a scaled life increase as the difficulty increases. This means they survivelonger and are slightly harder to take down. Remember that if you need to stopa squad not under your control, aim for the red-helmeted captain and kill him.Once the leader is slain, you can recruit the survivors of his fire teamindividually.On Inferno:: Item hunting takes little importanceAlthough some weapons are dropped on Inferno, you should know that most of theweapons you get on Inferno are rarely up to snuff. While there are a fewweapons that are almost a necessity, you will need to find a way to exploit theenvironment, the enemy A.I., and your weapon's behavior just to survive Inferno.That said, only health and armor points are helpful on Inferno (first aid kitsprobably take precedence).
There are far more easier ways to farm armor pointsonce you've unlocked the ZE-GUN10. For a complete list of weapons (and whichstage/difficulty they start randomly dropping in), refer to this excellent filecourtesy of D3Publisher:On Inferno:: Exploiting the enemy A.I. Is life or deathEnemies aren't mindless, but they are alert. When you damage an enemy withweapon fire, enemies near your target 'ping' the area for the presence of EDFforces. If you happen to be in range of the ping (basically, you can see theirred dots clearly not sticking the edge of your radar), you get sought out andattacked.
Hence, if you want to isolate and manage the enemy hordes on Inferno,you need to move far away from other enemies before attacking. This lets youdestroy your intended target(s), reload weapons, and scarf up much needed life(if any) before you continue the attack.The most dangerous stages in the game will be the ones where enemies start offalerted to your presence. Once that happens, they will keep attacking you untilyou die, or they do. To deal with those missions, you need to exploit the stagelayout and weapons.IMPORTANT WEAPONSOn Inferno, you need a good stable of weapons to survive.
Too bad you can onlybring two. Both players need to mix (or double up) weapons to survive onInferno. Remember that enemy life increases by nearly 25% to 50% by eachdifficulty. Note you can 'farm' Stage 40 on Inferno, and pretty much get allbut the bonus weapons and the Lysander Z sniper rifle.
The ZE-GUN10 turrethelps immensely with this endeavor. To get it, try dropping grenades into thepit of Inferno Stage 25 or Hardest Stage 44 collecting what's left.Assault Rifle:: AF-99 STStarts dropping on Hardest Stage 39. This rifle is probably the best rifle inthe game, barring the fact it only has twenty shots. The damage it does is notas great as the AF-20 ST (1200) but it fires and reloads fairly quickly.Additionally, it has the longest effective range (480 meters) so you can staymoderately far off to destroy enemy UFOs. Only the UFOs flying at very highheights require a rocket launcher; the AF-99 ST easily downs an enemy Fighteron Inferno with two shots.While you cannot zoom in for some hits you can make, the accuracy of the weaponis good enough to hit what you aim at. Only when enemies are really, reallythick should you ditch the AF-99 ST.
Don't forget you have other weapons todeal with hordes of enemies - chiefly the turrets.Assault Rifle:: AF-100Starts dropping on Inferno Stage 27. The 'best' assault rifle does about 20,000damage before it runs dry. In this, the AF-100 is better than the AF-99 ST(14,000 damage). While it reloads faster, the AF-100 also has a problem inrange. At 264 meters, the AF-100 has a problem hitting all but the closestUFOs.
You practically have to be under one, and on Inferno, that's the lastplace you want to be (unless you are placing turrets).Take an AF-100 if enemies are limited and there are no mounds or UFOs to dealwith. Against a single Hector Walking Arm (enemy mech), the AF-100 isdevastating unless another enemy mech blasts you with a howitzer shot.Sniper Rifle:: Lysander F/ZLysander F starts dropping on Hardest Stage 44 while Lysander Z starts droppingon Inferno Stage 42.
You will more than likely not be using a Lysander (exceptLysander 2 for 2200 damage) unless you absolutely need to since rockets andmissiles do about the same damage until you get the final Lysander models. Thereason why you need these high damage sniper rifles is to do the most damageyou can at long range. While the 'Genocide Gun' does more damage, you need tobeat all the stages on Inferno to get it (hence it becomes a fun weaponafterwards).Against the Red Fighters on the mission 'Elite', you need the power of theLysander F on Hardest and Lysander Z on Elite to do the damage before theyswarm in and kill your ass.
On Inferno, each Red Fighter takes over 25,000damage; hence you need to connect five shots of the Lysander Z to kill one.Rocket Launcher:: Stingray M99 or MFThe M99 starts dropping on Hardest Stage 32 while the MF starts dropping onInferno Stage 30. Both are fairly comparable in damage (300 point difference)but the MF's rockets fly faster and the launcher has a zoom function. OnInferno, rocket launchers are generally used to bounce away red ants and tosaturate-kill hillsides of black ants and spiders (those goddamn spiders!).Catching a small group of enemies in an explosion means you get to survive thatmuch longer.The problem with the Stingray is that once enemies get up close, you can't pushthem back without splashing the same damage on yourself. Either learn toside-dodge to flee the area, or aim very quickly and very accurately.
With arange of 3 kilometers, the Stingray becomes a sniper weapon for some missionson Inferno; just don't use it on UFOs - it's far too slow to take one out(requires about 15,000 damage to take out one).Missile Launcher:: Prominence M2Starts dropping on Hardest Stage 31. While it is a single shot missile thatreloads slowly (about five seconds), it does respectable damage (4000 points)and can track enemies once five seconds have elapsed.
Fire it into the air andit will come back into view once it has an enemy. Just be sure to stay awayfrom it until you have more than 4000 life points, or you will die in theensuing explosion. Using turrets or a second player is a must to keep theProminence firing player alive.Missile Launcher:: Prominence MAStarts dropping on Inferno Stage 29. This single shot missile does the mostdamage outside of the Genocide Gun (15,000 compared to 1,000,000) however, theProminence warhead can destroy UFOs. You will need this weapon to blast theMothership and kill it before it kills you in the final Inferno mission. Thedownside (aside from the slow movement of the missile) is the very long 20second reload time.
Time the use and reloading of this strategic weapon likeyour turrets - very carefully.Grenade Launcher:: Stampede XMStarts dropping on Hardest Stage 36. Grenades are not used often but thisgrenade launcher (despite the long reload time of six seconds) does do a lot ofdamage in a hurry. It's impossible to get all 30 shots on one target (unlessit's a large target and very close) but the coverage this weapon does isimpressive. Against the bug hordes on some stages on Inferno, using just one ofthis weapon can help alleviate the pressure on your friendly turrets.Special Weapon:: ZE-GUN10 TurretStarts dropping on Hardest Stage 40.
Suzuki tt superbikes real road racing schedule. For the highest level of realism possible, the course itself has been mapped using data supplied by the government and data captured by the development team.
While this weapon is barely usable onInferno, it's mentioned since it's how you can GET some of the Inferno weaponsin the first place. The stage where it starts dropping is a good place to nabit; it's much like Stage 22 (Crimson) but the enemies tend to wander down tothe valley floor before attacking, hence lining them all up for a massacreprovided you have a set of good weapons. The good thing about this turret isyou can deploy ten of them (that means ten invulnerable allies) but the badpart is each turret only has 100 rounds before running dry.Special Weapon:: ZEXR-GUN TurretStarts dropping on Inferno Stage 32. This turret is better than the ZE-GUN10since it does about 20,000 more damage (105,000 compared to 80,000) before theturrets run dry. Additionally, the turrets turn faster and fire faster.However, having just three turrets (as opposed to ten) means enemy hordes canswarm and damage you before the turrets deal with them.Having a second player with a second (or even third) set of turrets can form adevastating defence force if you are not interested in sticking around tofight, and you have room to flee to.Rocket Launcher:: Genocide GunThis is the weapon earned by clearing all missions on Inferno. Simalcrumincluded some notes for the curious.
The weapon model is also different from arocket launcher: it looks like an alien three-pronged fork weapon.The weapon's explosion will not injure bosses like the Vallak, Giant Walker,UFOs, the Mothership's core or main gun, and insect mounds. Basically, bossesand 'special enemies' are immune to the Genocide Gun's one million points ofdamage. Buildings and you (and your allies) are not immune, nor are vehicles.Keep this weakness in mind. If you are going to use the Genocide Gun, you canonly destroy certain enemies and not all enemies.
Bring along a secondaryweapon (the AF-100 or AF-99 ST are both good) if you need to shoot something.For the Vallak dinosaurs, you will still need to use the Lysander-lure trick.On the other hand, if you have the Genocide Gun, you should have doneeverything there is to do in this game, so you should just enjoy the purplebeam weapon on Normal difficulty. This thing should still be an option for Left4 Dead.ENEMY PRIORITYEnemies are different on Hardest and Inferno.
Not only do they take moredamage, but they do more damage, and there are more of them. Just this slightshift in damage curves means you will likely get cacked with ill-advisedplanning, approach, and the wrong choice of weapons.
Enemies are prioritized bya threat level. On Inferno, wasting bullets and ammo on low priority targets isthe one way to a quick defeat.Spider:: VERY DANGEROUSSpiders are the most dangerous enemy on Inferno since their silk shots not onlyslow you down, but they last longer, doing 'poison' damage to your trooper. Youneed to destroy spiders quickly once they appear, or you can expect to beswarmed and killed quickly.
One spider is dangerous (and a silk shot on Infernodoes about 2000 to 3000 damage) and if there are more than one, expect tomeasure your time left to live in seconds. Spiders and their giant version (BigSpider) are dangerous (although focus on the big spider first unless you'recovering with a Stingray).Stingray rockets from long-range (and a high sniping perch) are the best methodto deal with spiders. Even on Inferno, one rocket from the M99 or MF should beenough to kill a spider (the Stingray MF is preferred). Two shots from theAF-99 ST will kill a spider.Spider / Big:: VERY DANGEROUSThe only thing worse than spiders is the big version attacking in small groups.The range of the silk shot is increased (to more than 400 meters) so you needto out-range or out-power it. Try preserving buildings to force it to cling toa wall and waste time orienting itself to fire. This will give you and yourpartner time to set up turrets (tracking range of 150 meters) and hose the damnthing down.
This of course, assumes nothing else (i.e., other spiders) areattacking you.Black Ant:: PRETTY DANGEROUSBlack ants are basically very tough soldiers who can cling to walls and have anacid shotgun. Up close, the acid spray will do about 3000 or more damage, sotaking a few hits usually isn't an option.
If you're quick (and lucky) you canrun towards a black ant to avoid most of the spray's globs; however, there'reusually several black ants in a swarm, hence the danger level. While they areas weak as a spider (about 1400 hit points or less), they attack in swarms thatwill seriously put pressure on your battle line.A Stingray launcher is a good method to deal with ants from long range, but theAF-99 ST or AF-100 are also workable solutions. The best method is to deployturrets and let them deal with the mess since ants fire faster than spiders.Hector / Small:: PRETTY DANGEROUSThe small robots are dangerous since their arms pack a small explosion thatjuggles your trooper. Since they fire faster and more often, they can be veryannoying. Unless they are alerted, deal with them separately.
Otherwise, theAF-100, ZEXR-GUN or AF-99 ST from long range will deal with them.Red Fighter:: MILDLY DANGEROUSChiefly dangerous because they survive so long; while they do no more damagethan the regular Fighter, they can stay in the air longer because they refuseto die. Using a sniper rifle is possible on the mission 'Elite' (number 49) butit's not an option once they are mixed with other units to attack you. In largegroups, they will swarm and kill players quickly, so they can be seriousproblems on stage 52.Red Ant:: MILDLY DANGEROUSRed ants only attack by biting and take more damage than black ants. However,they are not as dangerous unless they surround you and you have no firepower.Take out black ants before reds, since the black ants shoot.
Spiders still takeprecedence though. Red ants are much more manageable once you have the AF-99STand AF-100 with ZEXR-GUN support.
Two players (and maybe a Stampede XM on openground) make these guys nothing.Hector / Big:: MILDLY DANGEROUSA large version of the mech that fires howitzer rounds. They generally loiterin the back, so taking them out means you have to punch through the front-linesor wait for them to close up. Deal with your immediate attackers (turrets areinvulnerable), retreat then locate them and their purple plasma shots.
Trackthem back to their source and kill their ass.Note that unless there's a lot of stuff on the screen, you usually can see theshot coming in (from far away) and take the steps to dodge it.Vallak:: MILDLY DANGEROUSDangerous only if you don't use vehicles (to lure it) while a second playersnipes it to death using double Lysanders. While waiting for one rifle to cooldown and fire again, fire the second rifle. Note that this swap-trick won'twork once you need to reload the weapons. The attacks (swipe, stomp, breath)are telegraphed by the enemy, so simply avoid and stay under it's crotch (orbehind it). In a two versus one situation, you generally come out on top.The Cyber Vallak (the one with the siege cannon and no arms) is more or lessthe same thing but it has a Genocide Gun on its back. Simply avoid its frontand kick its ass.
If the sniper player hasn't been noticed, then the decoyplayer can lead it around all day while the creature is sniped to death.Vallak (Mini):: MILDLY DANGEROUSDangerous like the Vallak but smaller. While each of the smaller Vallaks cannottake as much damage as the big version, you do deal with two enemies at once.Focus fire on one (the chopper helps rack up machinegun damage if you cancontrol it) and take them down however you can. With such a large target, yourweapons should focus on damage and nothing else (you may even get away withremote bombs although simalcrum and company took them down with sniper fire).Ant Queen:: MILDLY DANGEROUSLess dangerous than the black ant but chiefly because it's one enemy and itgenerally has problems attacking you if buildings are present. ZEXR Turrets andthe AF-99 ST or AF-100 are best for dealing with this enemy. The problem withthe Ant Queen on the surface missions is that it will attack in open groundwith hordes of her little buddies.Walker:: MILDLY DANGEROUSThis is essentially a walking UFO with turrets under it.
It's dangerous but theturrets can be destroyed. Waste them, the enemies nearby, and you can get closewith weapons and hose the beast's weak spot. Note you can destroy the mini-gunon the walker's anus before it starts firing, but the smaller turrets need tofire before they are vulnerable.Mound:: MILDLY DANGEROUSThis thing doesn't attack but it is dangerous since you cannot 'see' when itemits enemies until ants (or spiders) start emerging from its top. Since eachmound takes large amounts of damage, setting a single turret to fire directlyat it (until something better comes along) will get the job done in a hurry.For your information, a single ZEXR-GUN turret does 35,000 points of damage.Throw in your AF-100 or AF-99 ST and you have a winning combination.UFO:: POTENTIALLY DANGEROUSThis is like the mound, and doesn't attack at all. What's more, you can seewhen it starts spawning enemies because it opens up.
It's perhaps moredangerous to get at UFOs (since you can't aim down from a high spot and killall the enemies and the mound with rockets) but UFOs drop enemies in a line(and not spawn them all at once). This means if you kill a UFO before it startsdropping enemies (aim past the door's cracks as the doors open), the UFO dropsno enemies. Two players using AF-99 STs can kill a single UFO on Inferno (30 orso shots) and this makes all the difference in the world.Fighter:: POTENTIALLY DANGEROUSWhile these enemies do as much damage as the Red Fighter, they can be killedlike ants or spiders (two shots with the AF-99 ST). Since they're so weak,they're not a problem unless they seriously outnumber you forty or fifty to one(like in mission 51 or 52). Aim up and fire if there's a cloud. You can easilytake them out with ZEXR-GUN turrets and either the AF-99 ST or AF-100.Hard Objects:: NOT DANGEROUSWatch out for solid objects (bicycles, cars, fences, etc.) as they will blockyour trooper when attempting to dodge. When fighting in open ground usingturrets, stick to open spaces like parks or clearings so you can move and dodgeas required.
Shooting solid objects until they 'bounce' will let you walkthrough them. 'Killed' objects are passable - living objects are not (thisdoesn't count dead bodies of enemies which always block your shots). Weaponsdoing more than 30 or 40 points of damage will visibly move objects. Weaponsdoing less damage than that will not move such objects.Buildings:: NOT DANGEROUSBuildings can be handy on Inferno for sniping purposes.
Some buildings havestairs leading to their rooftops. Unless you use explosives or there are enemyHector Walking Arms (mechs), the Mothership, or a Dinosaur (Vallak) in thelevel, your building will never be destroyed. Remember that cover doesn'treally exist in the game; when shots 'leak' through cover, it's because theenemy's weapon was shoved through the object and fired (the same thing canhappen with your weapon). However, large buildings do impede ant and spiderprogress and lets you fire from high over the battlefield.Just beware of debris left from destroyed buildings. Debris and rubble canseriously hamper your turrets' fields of fire as well as your ability to escapequickly from pursuing enemies.
Ants and spiders can quickly destroy yourlifebar by firing acid and silk through (and over) debris fields as younavigate over the broken ground.MISSION WALKTHROUGH:: INFERNOMission 1:: ArrivalThere are three waves of black ants here. While you may have done this before,you need to be aware that inciting any group will get you killed instantly onInferno. Unless you've gotten some good weapons messing around on Stage 40 (onInferno) you will have your hands full trying to take down black ants usingunder-powered assault rifles and rockets. The Stringray M99 is the least youshould bring - a second player and some turrets are a necessity.Take out the first group using rocket fire. Stall your allies (kill the leaderand recruit the rest) and reload your weapons before attacking the second groupof ants.For the second group, use rockets and turrets once more - the high-poweredAF-100 or AF-99 ST is handy but the weaker AF-20 RAR can also work (since theseare black ants, not red ants). Stay at the park and clean house. You will makeyour stand here against the third wave.The final wave will spawn as soon as the second group is neutralized and willmake way towards your position immediately.
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If you did not reload your turretsbefore killing the final enemy in the second wave, you may have a problem.Start falling back away from the wave and let your allies hold off the wave asbest they can. Once your turrets (preferably the ZE-GUN10 or ZEXR-GUN) areready, deploy them and let them do the work.Mission 2:: InvasionEasy. And lots of them. The whole wave is down the street and shouldnot be allowed to close up. Still, deploy a line of sentry guns just in caseyou need to fall back. Activate them only if you cannot kill the enemy with arocket and need to fall back from sheer numbers.Mission 3:: MeleeAnother relatively easy one if you use turrets (or an AF-100) and Stingrayrockets.
Destroy buildings and hammer the enemies once you have clear line ofsight. Keep an eye on your radar and nick the enemies who are closest first.Mission 4:: LandingAttack each group of enemies and play keep away with rockets and assault rifles(AF-100 is good or turrets). Grab any allies you can and blast all the enemiesyou see. You cannot destroy the UFOs yet, so ignore them and destroy just theenemies they drop. Once things are pacified, you can breathe easy, as thingsonly get harder from here on out.Mission 5:: SearchBring the MEX Emerald missile launcher (Hard Stage 40 or greater) or the AF-99ST.
After destroying the black ants, you need to battle the Fighters. Two shotsfrom the AF-99 ST downs a fighter, or you can use four MEX Emerald missiles.Note that buildings and debris may not protect you from the incoming Fighter'sbullets.Mission 6:: Air ForceA Fighter mission. Bring homing missiles or the AF-99 ST (AF-100 also works)and have fun shooting into the air. The standard Fighters are much, much moreeasier to deal with than the Red Fighters.Mission 7:: TakedownNow you can destroy UFOs (or at least some of them). Bring the AF-99 ST and useit (range 480 meters) to waste the UFOs. You need about 30 shots from an AF-99ST to take down a UFO on Inferno, so focus fire on the UFO's underside once itreveals itself. Switch to the Stingray MF or turrets to fend off the enemiesdropped into combat.
Between destroying a group of enemy ants or a UFO, choosethe ants - only if you are down to one or two ants should you focus on theUFOs (or let the turrets take out the enemies while you snipe the UFO) as theUFO doesn't really attack.Mission 8:: MobilizationFour waves of black ants. The first two are on the ground, so blast them withthe AF-100 or turrets. Bring along an AF-99 ST for the next two waves of blackants because they will be released by UFOs. Take down the UFOs as their doorsopen and you can reduce the number of enemies that are spawned. Neutralize therest of the enemies and you're done.Mission 9:: TsugawaBring some turrets (or the AF-99 ST) to deal with the Fighters. The walkers canbe blown up off-shore (meaning you cannot get the items then) with theProminence M2.
The AF-99 ST can help you snipe, shoot down the mechs as theyapproach the shore. Avoid wading in deep water, as the mechs can attack youwhile you swim.Mission 10:: ArmsMechs in the city. Easy with the AF-99 ST or AF-100.
If you have the ProminenceM2, the missile (4000 damage) is devastating to the slow moving bastards.Actually, if you're not interested in moving close to any of the mechs, usingthe Prominence M2 means you don't move much at all except to keep your distance.Mission 11:: InfiltrationThe first underground mission. Use an AF-100 and steer clear of the black antswhen they point their abdomens at you to fire. Range helps too as the acidspray is a shotgun - the closer you are, the more of your face will get burnedoff.
Rinse the place with hot lead and you're one more mission closer tocompleting Inferno.Mission 12:: ReinforcementThere are a limited number of spiders here. Use the Stingray MF to blast groupsof them and ZEXR-GUN turrets to defend your firing position. A second playermore turrets or an AF-100 can help. Two Stingray rockets (especially with theMF's reload times) is more than enough for this mission.Mission 13:: RetaliationBring along a Stingray MF and some ZEXR-GUN turrets (or the AF-100). The rocketlauncher is useful for destroying spiders before they close up. Ignore the UFO(it cannot be destroyed yet) and use the ZEXR-GUN to fend off spiders thatwander too close.Mission 14:: FortressThis beach level is the same as Tsugawa but the Giant Walker is invulnerable.Kill your allies' team leaders (guys in red helmets) and take over their fireteams to get more firepower.
Use a mix of ZEXR-GUN turrets and the AF-99 ST todown the combination of Fighters and mechs. Keep away from the Giant Walker andsimply stay alive. If you want, you can locate the tunnel leading from thebeach to the valley and hole up there as well. Note that the Hector WalkingArms may be able to splash damage you while you have a harder time hitting themfrom the tunnel.Mission 15:: BlockadeFor this mission, bring along a AF-99 ST and ZEXR-GUN turrets. You simplysurvive the enemies on the map and ignore the Giant Walker. If you can destroythe turrets on the walker, you can stop taking damage from the lasers.Otherwise, you hide as best you can among the rubble or behind buildings.
Keepyour distance and let the enemies come towards you. You cannot defeat thewalker, so getting close to it is pointless.Mission 16:: MultiplicationThis mission has mounds in the city but they only appear on at time. Bringalong turrets and a damaging AF-100 (more damage). Track down the mounds one byone (they appear one at a time) and be sure to recharge your turrets beforeheading to the next mound (enemies should not be wary of you).Mission 17:: NestingGo through the underground cavern with an AF-100. There are finite enemies andyou should be able to hose black ants dead even on Inferno with the AF-100.Bring a ZEXR-GUN turret and deploy one when things get intense. The addition ofa firing gun should be enough to stem most attacks in this level.
With twoplayers, you will have very little problem.Mission 18:: Dino-MechTake a sniper rifle (the most powerful Lysander available) and the secondplayer can take either an assault rifle or some kind of long range explosive.The decoy player screws with the alien dinosaur while the sniper player racksup the damage and plays keep away. The vehicles are handy - the chopper is agood means of keeping the dinosaur distracted while you hose it with machinegunfire. Off-topic: should the EDF combat the Colossi in Wander and the Colossus(Shadow of the Colossus on Playstation 2) it would be a quick match.
The EDFwould win hands down.Mission 19:: UmbraBring along a ZEXR-GUN (spiders) and an AF-99 ST (UFOs) for one player whilethe second can stick with turrets and a second AF-99 ST to assist the firstplayer with UFO killing. You can substitute a Stingray, but chances are youwill be unable to get off many shots before the spiders wrap you in silk. Focusfire on the UFOs while your turrets can take down the spiders.Mission 20:: ArtilleryYou fight against the artillery mechs and Fighters here. Use turrets for theFighters and use a Prominence M2 or AF-99 ST for the mechs.
Because of thesheer number of Fighters in the final wave, turrets and the AF-99 ST are moreadvisable. Remember two shots from the AF-99 ST takes down a regular Fighter onInferno.Mission 21:: CrimsonThis is the Tsugawa Beach stage but with three waves of red ants. Being swarmedis not a problem if you somehow unlocked the ZE-GUN10 (Hardest Stage 40) butsimply getting the weapon initially is hard enough (since stage 40 is also ared ant stage). Work backwards (away from your allies) and rocket theminitially - but simalcrum will assume you've done some farming on all stageson Hardest and have most of the weapons (170 of them) at your employ (the lastweapon is available only from completing all the stages on each of the fivedifficulty levels).Simalcrum prefers using the ZE-GUN10. Place them in a 'medium' circle (oneside-dodge away in diameter) and you can be relatively safe even on Inferno.Grab health items when you can, and you can grab almost any weapon that spawnsat Inferno Stage 20 or less (about 85% of the weapons). By stacking twentyturrets (forty with two players), you pretty much can't lose.Note that if you don't have turrets, you can swim out to deep water, gettingthe red ants under you. Once your trooper stands on an enemy, he can shoot backand be relatively safe from enemies.
However, this may not work very well (itis a slow process with one gun). However, you can use this technique to acquirethe ZE-GUN10 and start your farming in earnest.Mission 22:: TrappedThis mission is similar to the one later (Return), occuring even in the samegeneral area (it's also the same map).
The difference though, is the presenceof the Hector Walking Arms on the valley floor.